Bookings & Orders Back to categories
Find out all you need to know about your booking.

Do you accept all methods of payment?

We accept all major bank debit credit cards and PayPal.

Is it possible to change the details or the dates of the travel?

If you want to make a change or enquiry about the booking or order you have made, an additional fee may be incurred and in some cases the money is not refundable. Please refer to the booking or order details at the time of the booking.

How long does a refund for flight take?

This varies from one carrier to another but normally it is between 8-10 weeks.

How can I cancel my booking or order?

If you wish to cancel the booking/order, please refer to the terms and conditions of the order at the time of the booking. Some hotels or airlines may incur a charge or penalty but some may keep the full amount.

What do I do if there is a mistake in my order/confirmation or the documentations?

You may fill out the form here and submit the contact us form and one of our customer service representative will be happy to help you. Please note there is a penalty for this.

How do I understand that my booking/order has been successfully completed?

After your booking is confirmed, we will send you an automated email, which contains your booking confirmation number and the full details of the order.

What do I do if I do not receive the order/booking confirmation or I lose it?

It is highly recommended that you check the “Junk mail” folder first .in case you have not received it, you may click here to request for a news confirmation email to be sent to you.